Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hyperlink Task

Kevin wrote about vegetarianism and why people should keep eating meat.  What if there was a story where people turned into the animals that are used for the production of meat - cows, pigs, etc.?  If we all had the chance of being slaughtered and killed so that humans could eat us, would it make us think differently about vegetarianism?  Imagine a world where we were the ones being eaten, not the ones eating...

Phil wrote about video games.  What if there was a world where every day, we were in a different video game? We would wake up one day and be thrown in the middle of a violent killing spree, and then the next day we would be jumping over barrels and unlocking secret doors with Mario and Luigi... An author could use this kind of story metaphorically in a lot of different ways.

Zac wrote about coral reefs and how they are being destroyed by overfishing.  One metaphor for this issue could be that we are all coral reef/the fish that live in them, and the fishermen are all of the bad things and problems in our lives that are "destroying" us.  We try our best to dodge them and survive, but sometimes we don't get so lucky and the fishermen catch us...